
  1. Registration on is free. After registration you can view all profiles, receive & view messages and send winks for free. Certain features on require the purchase of credits. Unused balances may not be redeemed for cash and are non-refundable, except if it is required by applicable law. Credits have a limited validity and expire automatically after 90 days if not used.
  2. All payments are one-off and non-recurring.
  3. All rates are inclusive of VAT and other taxes by legal means, unless otherwise agreed.
  4. To send messages, you have to buy a creditpack or, if available, you can make a one-time telephone payment. For prices see the chart below.
  5. Payments are in GBP. Your bank might charge you foreign exchange fees, depending on its terms and agreements.
Creditpack Currency Price Price per credit
CreditPack 8 GBP £12.50 £1.56
CreditPack 25 GBP £32.50 £1.30
CreditPack 40 GBP £50.00 £1.25
CreditPack 100 GBP £110.00 £1.10
CreditPack 200 GBP £200.00 £1.00